Create Your Own Notebook
Price: $35.00
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The biggest drawback of having a favorite notebook is that your flimsy little friend has a very definite lifespan. Once you’ve filled all its empty pages with your deepest, darkest thoughts (or cartoon doodles and shopping lists, as the case may be) you’ve basically consigned the entire thing to either the bookshelf or the trash can. Either way, you eventually and inevitably have to march yourself to the store and snag a brand new book to hold your brainstorming sessions and random rantings. Create Your Own Notebook changes the ending of someone’s personal literary story by essentially giving them a regenerating book that can constantly be renewed with a fresh batch of paper. This leather-bound treasure is a treat for anyone who likes to catalog and memorialize their bright ideas, song lyrics, sketches, pie charts, travel plans, poetic essays, and mini-novellas. Gift one to your favorite writer, artist, musician, scientist, or nomad and they can stamp whatever type of paper suits their quest best and clip it into their book. Once the pages are once again filled, the sheets are quickly unsnapped and removed and they can be recycled, tossed, or stored in a more permanent spot. Insert new paper and your gift is instantly rejuvenated. It’s eco-friendly, it’s smart, and it won’t ever be used up. Don’t you wish more things in life were this perfect? Specifications: